The Green Community Mall

The Mall Company began retail real estate research, mall management and commercial space planning partnerships in 2017. Aimed at satisfying the growing demand for international-standard commercial real estate and property management services in Cambodia.

The ambition of the organisation was to reach beyond solutions offered by existing service providers by adding sophisticated research and ongoing retail marketing services to its existing strengths as mall management and operators. By creating a truly comprehensive service offering, The Mall Company provides the only complete retail real estate and mall management solution in Cambodia.

Our impressive network of retail partners and B2B marketing helps us find the right tenants for your retail project, and our mall management and day-to-day operation of retail real estate centres creates a clean, secure and enjoyable shopping experience for customers. Finally, we create an identity for your mall and its many tenants via strategic marketing campaigns that increase traffic and maintain a strong identity for the shopping complex.

Location: Phnom Penh
Project Type: Mall

Using Brands